The Fear of Being “Too Political”
This past August, as we embarked on this unparalleled school year, many of our cities were in the height ofRead More…
Read More…Education. Our Children. Our Legacy.
Alexandrea Martinez is a proud native from East San Jose where she lives with her two children, Adam Kingston and Amaya Crecencia, and their father. Due to her experience growing up in her community, Alexandrea wanted to help at-risk youth and aspired to be a probation officer after receiving her Bachelors in Criminal Justice Studies. While searching for a school to enroll her TKer in, she realized how politicized education was and sought better options than her school district provided. In 2014, she became a founding parent of Rocketship Fuerza Community Prep and a parent leader in her community, advocating for equity in education. Alexandrea received community organizing training and in October of 2014, she, along with a group of parents in her community from various schools, held the first ever parent led Mayoral candidates forum in San Jose. In 2016, she co-chaired the largest parent led candidates forum in San Jose hosting both city council and state Assembly hopefuls. Alexandrea realized the power that parents held and how working together can bring the change they need in their community. Advocating for equity in education across our state led Alexandrea to realize that her community did not need additional probation officers or lawyers but rather more invested, dedicated teachers. Alexandrea decided to change her career and became a teacher to do her part in eliminating the achievement gap and ending the school to prison pipeline. Alexandrea continues to advocate for equity in education in her community and proudly tells anyone who will listen that the next generation of leaders are in her East San Jose classroom.
This past August, as we embarked on this unparalleled school year, many of our cities were in the height ofRead More…
Read More…This summer, I remember my principal informing us that we would be incorporating justice standards into our curriculum on ourRead More…
Read More…In our household we’ve reached a new milestone; week 9 of distance learning. An estimated 50.8 million students in AmericaRead More…
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