When Dealing With School Administration, You Need To Be A Pebble in the Shoe
A few days ago I was in one of those “boring School Board meetings”, which many avoid attending, including communityRead More…
Read More…Education. Our Children. Our Legacy.
Alicia Aleman migrated from Mexico 13 years ago. She is a first generation college graduate in her family, and holds a degree in child psychology with a focus on education, personal development, and leadership. For two years, Alicia worked for parents groups at several school districts such as Madera, Kerman, Sanger, and Fresno, all projects of the PIQE organization, Parent Institute for Quality Education. Alicia is the mother of three children, who attend schools in the Fresno Unified School District. Alicia’s passion is to empower everyone who has a burning desire to conquer his/her dreams and leave a positive impact on future generations. Her personal philosophy is to "Never let anyone tell you that the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon..." Her dreams and aspirations include to empower one million Latino families to find their personal liberation so they can develop their full potential as human beings".
A few days ago I was in one of those “boring School Board meetings”, which many avoid attending, including communityRead More…
Read More…I recently visited a School Site Council meeting at my daughter’s middle school, and let me tell you, it wasRead More…
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