Mi Hijo Está en el Espectro y Está Prosperando en Rocketship localizado Ciudad de Redwood
Mi nombre es Brenda Cabrera, y soy mamá de un estudiante de segundo grado de la escuela Rocketship Redwood CityRead More…
Read More…Education. Our Children. Our Legacy.
Brenda Cabrera has lived in Redwood City for 13 years. She moved to Redwood City from Mexico when she was ten years old and attended public schools in Redwood City, growing up. She has three children who each attend different school programs in the community: Rocketship, Adelante, and Kennedy Middle School. Each of them offers a unique program that best fits her kids and their individual learning needs. Brenda works as a Hair Stylist in Redwood City and is passionate about advocating for school options for families, particularly for parents of students with IEPs and learning disabilities.
Mi nombre es Brenda Cabrera, y soy mamá de un estudiante de segundo grado de la escuela Rocketship Redwood CityRead More…
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