Say Goodbye to Your College Freshman with a Taco Tour
The mini fridge, toiletries and school supplies are all stacked up, taking up space somewhere in your home, waiting forRead More…
Read More…Education. Our Children. Our Legacy.
Cindy Borbon is a Co-founder, Editorial Manager of LaComadre.org. and is also a licensed Financial Advisor. Cindy is a single mother of two children; her eldest attends the University of Merced and youngest attends elementary school. Cindy has 15 year experience in Auto Finance industry. She is currently pursuing her Bachelor’s in Business Management.
The mini fridge, toiletries and school supplies are all stacked up, taking up space somewhere in your home, waiting forRead More…
Read More…When parents have to work two or even three jobs at a time to make ends meet, their schedule isRead More…
Read More…I’d like to believe that raising my children as a single mom merits an honor badge of some type. NotRead More…
Read More…Parent conferences took place about two months ago at my son’s school, and I thought it would be a breeze.Read More…
Read More…Three months into the school year, some challenges started to unravel. My kinderbaby (he will always be my baby) leftRead More…
Read More…One year ago today on Día de los Muertos, LaComadre.org was launched. A common vision came alive and has broughtRead More…
Read More…My values of genuine friendship trace back to my own high school years, specifically when I found out I wasRead More…
Read More…As the college move in date approaches quickly, my daughter and I continue to go through her dorm check offRead More…
Read More…I met Leslie during a PE class at East Los Angeles Community College (ELAC), the school that we both attend.Read More…
Read More…A recent article in The Los Angeles Times, reminded us how physical activity can contribute to academic success according toRead More…
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