The Importance of Mid Year Data for Teachers, Students, and Families
The holidays are right around the corner and winter breaks are approaching. Students are getting ready to take assessments inRead More…
Read More…Education. Our Children. Our Legacy.
Daniela is a first generation college student who is heavily involved in education in her home district, West Contra Costa Unified. After becoming a mother at a young age, Daniela’s passion for education justice only intensified and she began to fight for an equitable education for all children, regardless of background or zip code. Daniela played a key role in organizing parents with the California Charter Schools Association and is a firm believer in school choice for all families. She is currently a Lead Organizer with Students for Education Reform, organizing college students around education justice issues in her home district. She was recently accepted into Teach for America and plans to continue impacting the lives of children in her hometown of Richmond, CA as a high school social studies teacher. Daniela is a UC Berkeley senior pursuing her B.A. in Legal Studies and Education along with her 4 year old daughter and husband. Daniela is a firm believer in that every single child is capable of meeting high expectations if given the correct support. Daniela hopes to be a provider of that support.
The holidays are right around the corner and winter breaks are approaching. Students are getting ready to take assessments inRead More…
Read More…When immigrants bring their young children to the United States, they often hope for a wider range of opportunities whereRead More…
Read More…Every single day, teachers around the state of California use data in different forms to measure the effectiveness of whatRead More…
Read More…I don’t remember having a teacher, let alone a school leader, who looked like me, spoke like me, or sharedRead More…
Read More…In my Advanced Placement English class, I teach 70 eleventh graders who made a choice to take on a collegeRead More…
Read More…Reading is an essential life skill that students have been learning since their earliest years of schooling. One of theRead More…
Read More…Every day, teachers and staff around the country work endlessly to ensure that students are maximizing the daily experiences theyRead More…
Read More…The school year is about a month in, and at schools across the state, hallways are lined with bulletin boards,Read More…
Read More…My first period classes always bring an interesting twist to them. As I greet my students at the door eachRead More…
Read More…As a teacher, I try to constantly remind myself that I’m caring for the sons and daughters of other people.Read More…
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