Te Dedico Todos los Días del Año a ti Mamá
Mamá, Tú eres mi luz, mi maestra, mi confidente y mi hermosa madre. Te amo y te dedico todos losRead More…
Read More…Education. Our Children. Our Legacy.
Jazmín Guerrero is from Guadalajara, México and the mother of three daughters who attend schools in the San José Unified District. Jazmin began advocating for special education when her 3 year old daughter needed help getting a diagnosis. Over the years Jazmin has come to realize our public education system is very unfair to children with special needs; especially to children in our Latino community. Being a parent leader in the “Yo Soy Tu Voz” leadership and advocacy group has given her the opportunity to advocate, educate, and support other Latino families having access to a fair and equitable education.
Mamá, Tú eres mi luz, mi maestra, mi confidente y mi hermosa madre. Te amo y te dedico todos losRead More…
Read More…Mi hija es autista. Hace un año, cuando me enteré mi primer sentimiento fue de miedo. No había sentido eseRead More…
Read More…Mi experiencia con el autismo ha sido bastante difícil y más complicada de lo que parece. A pesar de queRead More…
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