Deberíamos Reestructurar la Escuela Preparatoria para Atender las Fortalezas de Nuestros Estudiantes
Una educación ideal para mis hijos sería aquella, en la que la instrucción que se les brindara, se centraría enRead More…
Read More…Education. Our Children. Our Legacy.
Jessica Ortega was born and raised in Santa Ana, California. She is an accountant, mom, student, coach, and widow. She loves hiking, camping, and playing soccer with her four kids. Her hobbies include writing, painting, and cooking. Her passion includes sharing her stories to support others on their journeys as well as volunteering her time to her local schools, community, and for non- profit organizations for children.
Una educación ideal para mis hijos sería aquella, en la que la instrucción que se les brindara, se centraría enRead More…
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