Musica con Soul
When I was pregnant, it was encouraged that I talk to my belly and to listen to music as muchRead More…
Read More…Education. Our Children. Our Legacy.
Mariana G. Martinez, PhD, is the eldest of three and the first in her family to earn a high school diploma and a higher education. She was raised by immigrant parents that encouraged her to get an education so that one day she could work as a secretary and not in a physically laboring job like the fields. Mariana has been an advocate in the field of education for almost 2 decades. Her love and passion in education began as Senior in high school interning at a local elementary school. Currently Mariana is the Research Coordinator for the McNair Scholar Program, a federally funded program that serves first generation and historically low income students pursue the next of their educational goals, at Sonoma State University. She is also a Lecturer in the Chican@ and Latin@ Studies Department.
When I was pregnant, it was encouraged that I talk to my belly and to listen to music as muchRead More…
Read More…It wasn’t always easy for me to come back home. I was the first in my family to attend collegeRead More…
Read More…Many Mexican families can recall playing at some point in their lives La Lotería. It wasn’t until recently that IRead More…
Read More…Sonoma County has the largest Latino population in the North Bay region. From 2000 to 2010, the Latino population inRead More…
Read More…In 2008, I had the honor to meet a man I had only read about and had been lucky toRead More…
Read More…We have gone to the park, to the Children’s museum, taken swim classes, little kickers soccer, but what else canRead More…
Read More…Last month Sonoma State University hosted its second Bilingual First Generation Orientation geared towards parents whose children would be theRead More…
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