My Autistic Daughter is Headed to Cal!!
We are beyond proud! My 18-year-old daughter is graduating from high school and community college all at the same time. Read More…
Read More…Education. Our Children. Our Legacy.
We are beyond proud! My 18-year-old daughter is graduating from high school and community college all at the same time. Read More…
Read More…I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in ethnic studies from UCSD in 2003. Before entering the university, I had neverRead More…
Read More…In my Advanced Placement English class, I teach 70 eleventh graders who made a choice to take on a collegeRead More…
Read More…Last year, I was asked to take on teaching AP English Literature and Composition to the 12th grade class. IRead More…
Read More…As a graduate from David Starr Jordan high school and UCLA, I followed with interest Superintendent Austin Beutner’s Address toRead More…
Read More…At the start of this past school year, I shared with my students the story of my multiple failures inRead More…
Read More…Lakisha Young is executive director of The Oakland REACH. She has dedicated her career to promoting access to quality schoolsRead More…
Read More…On Tuesday night, a #CloseTheGap resolution was passed unanimously by the Los Angeles Unified School Board members. This full nameRead More…
Read More…I attended Arroyo Valley High School, a school located on the West Side of San Bernardino, California. Arroyo was aRead More…
Read More…If you have not had a chance yet to review your school district’s state test results, known as California AssessmentRead More…
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