Cellblock Scholars: The First College Behind Bars
Nearly one out of every hundred people in the United States is incarcerated, making it the country with the mostRead More…
Read More…Education. Our Children. Our Legacy.
Nearly one out of every hundred people in the United States is incarcerated, making it the country with the mostRead More…
Read More…Last week I had the opportunity to meet the new teachers that will be working at Kipp Navigate. I sharedRead More…
Read More…“Equality is leaving the door open for anyone who has the means to approach it; equity is ensuring there isRead More…
Read More…Autism came to my house the day my son Anthony was born. Early on I sensed something with him wasRead More…
Read More…I always had a sense of wanting to help others. I knew going into college that I wanted to helpRead More…
Read More…Governor Newsom announced an incredible investment in public schools to help move public schools to be back to the topRead More…
Read More…When I found out we would be welcoming a new Principal at KIPP Heritage, I knew I wanted to findRead More…
Read More…Why does education matter to my family and community? As a parent, our children must have better high schools andRead More…
Read More…Dear Assembly members O’Donnell, Bonta, McCarty, Smith, Kalra, and Senators Skinner and Durazo, I don’t want to continue fighting anymore.Read More…
Read More…When my son was in elementary school, I noticed that he was struggling. He attended traditional schools in districts whichRead More…
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