My Child is on the Spectrum, and He Thrives at Rocketship Redwood City Prep
My name is Brenda Cabrera, and I am the mother of a second-grade student at Rocketship Redwood City Prep. IRead More…
Read More…Education. Our Children. Our Legacy.
My name is Brenda Cabrera, and I am the mother of a second-grade student at Rocketship Redwood City Prep. IRead More…
Read More…I recently sat in a training focused on the need to increase access and equity in classrooms for students with visibleRead More…
Read More…When my son was in elementary school, I noticed that he was struggling. He attended traditional schools in districts whichRead More…
Read More…The State of California guarantees a free public education to youth through the completion of twelfth grade. Along with theRead More…
Read More…The IEP, or Individual Education Plan meetings tend to happen in March, which marks the end of the school yearRead More…
Read More…I often get asked from friends, other parents, or concerned family members. What is autism? I have concerns with theRead More…
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