Interested in Accessing Public Records from your Local School Board? Let us help
Did you know that in California anyone can request public documents, such as emails, memos, invoices, payment records, etc fromRead More…
Read More…Education. Our Children. Our Legacy.
Did you know that in California anyone can request public documents, such as emails, memos, invoices, payment records, etc fromRead More…
Read More…My family has been involved with New Academy Canoga Park since the very beginning. I remember my older sisters collectingRead More…
Read More…A Long Beach Unified School Police Officer who shot 18-year-old Mona Rodriguez, a young mother that was declared brain deadRead More…
Read More…In addition to the economic and social impact COVID-19 has had on our Latino families and other minority groups, ourRead More…
Read More…I met NACP’s parent liaison, Vanessa, last year when I learned about the school. She deeply cares about spreading resourcesRead More…
Read More…As this year’s Latino Heritage Month comes to a close, I find myself reflecting on my own Latina roots andRead More…
Read More…California officially becomes the first state to require Ethnic Studies for high school graduation. Governor Newsom previously declined to signRead More…
Read More…As the parent of a student with Special Needs, I have a lot of mixed feelings about my son attendingRead More…
Read More…When I first started teaching sessions for the American Heart Association at NACP, I didn’t know what to expect. NewRead More…
Read More…It’s more than likely that your child has gone from zoom classrooms to being back on campus this semester. AsRead More…
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