Working Class Families Affected by Possible Closures at Alum Rock Union School District
This past week I read an article about Alum Rock Union School District. I want to start by expressing howRead More…
Read More…Education. Our Children. Our Legacy.
This past week I read an article about Alum Rock Union School District. I want to start by expressing howRead More…
Read More…Read Part One Here Seeing as more than 60 million Latinos now live in the United States, Latino students deserveRead More…
Read More…Growing up in California, I never read a book in school by a Latina or Latino author. Our previous GovernorRead More…
Read More…For my family, having school choice is a matter of URGENCY! The education system has been failing students of colorRead More…
Read More…My name is Marisela Ramos, and I live in the city of East Palo Alto, CA. I am a volunteerRead More…
Read More…What kind of democracy is it if an elected official has a different opinion than the majority of their constituents,Read More…
Read More…Why does education matter to my family and community? As a parent, our children must have better high schools andRead More…
Read More…The morning of July 13, 2020, Los Angeles Unified School District along with San Diego Unified School District put outRead More…
Read More…A group of LAUSD parents from the San Fernando Valley calling themselves Concerned Parents Los Angeles (CPLA) have launched aRead More…
Read More…Schools are like a family; a crisis brings out the best and the worst of the relationship. This pandemic highlightedRead More…
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