My Father Wanted High Quality Schools For Me and My Sister, So He Never Gave Up
Education has always been a hot topic in my household. My family is always finding something to discuss or debateRead More…
Read More…Education. Our Children. Our Legacy.
Education has always been a hot topic in my household. My family is always finding something to discuss or debateRead More…
Read More…“A lot of hard work has gone into this, and all that matters to me is the result,” Newsom toldRead More…
Read More…My daughter Esperanza is about to start the ninth grade at KIPP Navigate College Prep in San Jose, California. IRead More…
Read More…The city of Sausalito has provided us with a recent example of state mandated desegregation, something that has not beenRead More…
Read More…Promise Academy was supposed to be a small, free TK-8th grade public school in San Jose. It was the dreamRead More…
Read More…There are 781 low performing schools in California, but not really, as the actual number of schools that are “lowRead More…
Read More…I am a college student who attended the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools Conference for the first time. MyRead More…
Read More…It is being reported that Governor Gavin Newsom has intervened in the matter of Assembly Bill (AB) 1505. As youRead More…
Read More…Despite living more than 300 miles apart, as parents of students attending California charter schools, we’re connected by a singleRead More…
Read More…The California Department of Education (CDE) has just released a mobile app for the California Dashboard. Now you can searchRead More…
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