I Graduated College and Now I’m Finding Happiness Through my Career
I graduated from William C. Overfelt High School in 2017. Before that, I attended Rocketship. Both of these schools gaveRead More…
Read More…Education. Our Children. Our Legacy.
I graduated from William C. Overfelt High School in 2017. Before that, I attended Rocketship. Both of these schools gaveRead More…
Read More…I first learned about NEW Academy Canoga Park through a friend a few years ago and after hearing such greatRead More…
Read More…My family has been involved with New Academy Canoga Park since the very beginning. I remember my older sisters collectingRead More…
Read More…I attended Rocketship when it first opened in 2007. My mom was a single mother of 3 who worked sixRead More…
Read More…Education apps help students practice what they learn in school in fun and creative ways. Let’s encourage children and youngRead More…
Read More…When I found out I was expecting a baby, I knew my baby would attend New Academy Canoga Park ElementaryRead More…
Read More…My memories from N.E.W Academy Canoga Park (NACP) are great ones. My teachers were always loving, caring and taught usRead More…
Read More…At the La Comadre Network, we are always looking to uplift parent voice and representation in our children’s education. ThroughRead More…
Read More…Growing up, I remember the excitement leading into summer. Time seemed to move a little slower in the summer. SchoolRead More…
Read More…I am very grateful to New Academy Canoga Park (NACP) for having prepared and taught me with the resources thatRead More…
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