Technology Coach Chronicles: How I Survived a Rough Start at a New School
My first year at my current job was extremely challenging. Yes, every job has its ups and downs, but letRead More…
Read More…Education. Our Children. Our Legacy.
My first year at my current job was extremely challenging. Yes, every job has its ups and downs, but letRead More…
Read More…Recently, a bet among a friend and two anti-charter school public school teachers netted us a financial windfall of $200.00!Read More…
Read More…Within the last month three different mothers have shared harmful encounters they have had with teachers and school staff. TheseRead More…
Read More…WHAT ARE THE TEACHERS ASKING FOR THAT COSTS SO MUCH? Both sides are bargaining on a contract that would beginRead More…
Read More…The school year has begun, and I want to remind my seniors that, though a year of hard work liesRead More…
Read More…Having the ability to relate to the stories and backgrounds of my students is a very special gift, one that’sRead More…
Read More…College access is not a thing of the past, nor has it been solved. While we may be seeing moreRead More…
Read More…The adrenaline and excitement that comes with the start of the school year is felt by teachers, administrators, parents, andRead More…
Read More…Going back to school provides a fresh start for both teachers and students. When planning for the new school year,Read More…
Read More…I’d like to consider this a public service announcement, one that I strongly believe is a call to action forRead More…
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