Day of the Dead is a Mexican holiday which honors the lives of those who have died. It is believed that the souls of our dead get to return to be with their families on this day which is why families create altars filled with the Dead’s favorite food, drinks and other treasures. Its an ancient tradition created by the Aztecs and Mayans which continues to be celebrated despite the colonization.
It is also a day of deep reflection. We reflect on the lives of those who have passed, their love for us, our love for them, their hopes and dreams. Its also a day where some families get together to celebrate life and leave the worries about. We’re reminded about the kinds of dreams that our Dead had for us- and we reflect on what they would want for us now, at this stage in our lives.
When we decided we were going to launch this blog, we thought about timing and it made perfect sense that we would launch this on the day that we celebrate Death as an important part of Life.
Since several of us have experienced the death of our parents, we decided that this would be a great way of honoring their memory. Creating a community blog, a community resource is our way of honoring their legacy, of honoring their dreams for us and for other children.
This is for the future generations. We know that education is the way you envisioned for us, for the grandchildren you won’t be able to meet.
Our Dead: Mami Ernestine Madrid. Mom Julietta Padilla. Sandro Valderrama. Papi Genaro Borbon. Papi Jose Valenzuela Gonzalez. Abuelito Carlos Madrid. Tio Jesus Acosta. Cousin Kristina Valdez. Grandmother Juanita Valdez. Maestro Sal Castro. Steve and Doc. Auntie Mary Olguin. Auntie Monette Davis. Abuelita Carmen Madrid. Apreciable Thelma Maradiaga. Padre Emiliano Revuelta. Tia Elia Garcia. Don Ricardo Saravia. Mr. Al Rodriguez. Tio Tiñio Garcia. Tio Nelson Garcia. Tia Paula Garcia. Apreciable Elizabeth Melendez Rivera. Tata Cuaxtle. Grandma Jesusita “Chuy” Serna.
And a special dedication of Tia Rosita Cristobal who passed away today.
We are honored to be your descendants and to have been influenced by your life. Thank you for gifting us everything you did.
This is our Offering of gratitude to you, Beloveds.
By honoring your lives, we are honoring ourselves and reminding ourselves that we must recommit to preparing our children for the best life they can live.
Bless us and protect our intention through with this Blog. We are here for the children.
Thank you Lalo Alcaraz for your beautiful cartoon that perfectly captures what we strive to do with this blog! Cartoon courtesy Lalo Alcaraz & Universal Uclick Syndicate