The LA School Report exclusively reported that LAUSD says nearly 1 in 2 seniors are NOT on track to graduate in June. That is 15,000 students and families impacted by this situation.
If you have or know a senior in LAUSD high schools, there’s 50% chance that he or she may not be on track to graduate as reported exclusively yesterday by the LA School Report. Please contact their school ASAP to find out what they may need to graduate. If you need help, we can provide you with some guidance. Because these students were not provided with A-G College Prep courses, they are at risk of not graduating and not eligible to apply for college.
Superintendent King has prioritized fixing this problem that previous Superintendent Cortines “discovered” and ordered the local Superintendents to fix with a credit recovery plan. The cost of the credit recovery plan is $15 million. The amount of students in jeopardy of not meeting the requirements to graduate from high school or apply for college is daunting.
When half of the seniors at risk of not graduating high school, this is a systemic problem… a serious systemic problem. When would this ever be tolerated in rich districts like Beverly Hills Unified? Why are our children treated like their futures don’t matter?
Eleven years ago, many civil rights and education equity leaders fought for all students to have access to A-G classes because without them, they would not have the minimum requirements to even apply to college. The school board approved the A-G Resolution making a commitment that they would do what they needed to do to prepare students for college.
Why is it that 11 years later, LAUSD hasn’t figured out how to make sure to prepare students for college by making sure they at least have access to the A-G college curriculum? This is appalling and should remind us parents, tias, ninas that we have to stay on top of our schools to make sure that our children are prepared to graduate from high school, prepared to apply and succeed in college and be career bound. Situations like this prove why so many parents and members of the public do not trust LAUSD.
We will be updating you with more information as we find it.
This is the link to the Exclusive to the LA School Report which shares more details about how bad this situation is and what LAUSD is doing to address it.
Click here for more info:
Exclusive: It’s ‘all hands on deck’ as LAUSD says nearly 1 in 2 seniors not on track to graduate

Alma V. Marquez

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Martha Infante
This is a highly sensationalized and slanted article about what has not even happened yet and will most likely not come to be. All this means is that LAUSD is tracking at risk students and providing them with the services and support they need so they DO graduate. LA School Report turned it into a doomsday scenario to whip up the trusting public into a frenzy. By the way, their new editor is anti public schools and would like to convert them all into charters. She’s off to a great start with this article.