One year ago today on Día de los Muertos, was launched. A common vision came alive and has brought you conversations about education in our community. Our following has grown quickly, and now we have a bigger vision: we want to be known nationally. Every follower and supporter brings us closer to our goal. Thank you for embarking on this journey with us one year ago today. Let’s continue to grow the La Comadre community together!
Along the way I have connected some amazing people who also stand up and advocate for quality education for all children. These interactions move passion into action. The network of La Comadre bloggers has expanded all through California, spreading the stories all over the state. We have connected with students, parents, and educators and have encouraged them to share their stories about striving for educational excellence. We share their stories to both give our communities with hope and to affirm how important a quality education is.
18 years ago today on Día de los Muertos, I became a mommy for the first time. The little person I held in my arms for the first time gave my life tremendous hope. My focus to give her the best education possible both at home and in school was fully centered. With the support from my mom and a close knit supportive circle, my daughter overcame several obstacles early in high school and is currently thriving with straight A’s in her first semester in college.
My daughter has been my WHY since she entered my life and always will be. Today I celebrate Día de los Muertos honoring and remembering my daddy, an aunt who was a teacher’s aid, and an uncle who was a teacher for over 30 years in Mexico. They were champions of quality education. What makes this day even more special is I get to celebrate the person who brought hope into my life. Happy 18th Birthday Mariah! Momma bear loves you!