Last week President Trump released his proposed budget, and that budget cuts funds for before and after school programs (programs that provide homework assistance, day care, and even food for school aged children). President Trump’s budget director even asserted that there is no evidence that after-school programs help children perform better in school.
But we know otherwise. Quality after-school programs work. The data suggests that quality after-school programs help improve school attendance and engagement, improve test scores and grades, and are more impactful for some of our most vulnerable students. After-school programs also help parents with childcare, allowing them to stay at work longer. In addition, these programs help keep children out of trouble. The after-school hours of 3:00 to 6:00 PM are the peak hours for juvenile crime.
These after-school programs do not need to be cut; they need to be sustained. Trump’s budget shows little regard for children who come from working class families. The learning must continue after the last school bell rings. Children need safe spaces where they can play and do homework with adult supervision.
To see how one after-school program in Georgia works and would be impacted by the Trump budget, watch this clip below.

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