I don’t think he understands the game. And I get it, it’s not for everyone. It’s each person for themselves. It’s do or die. It’s more like Game of Thrones than Hopscotch. Politics. The conscious decision to enter into politics. You give up a lot. And you become open and fair game as a public servant/official. So, I don’t want to say that Steve Zimmer’s request is ridiculous, but….Steve Zimmer’s request is ridiculous. I’m sorry Steve Zimmer, someone should have mentioned to you that, unfortunately, politics is ugly! People will be mean to you and say mean things and hurt your feelings, and in many cases, not support your candidacy. Get over it! You’re a grown man. Put your big boy chones on, and suck it up!
Asking your colleagues on an elected board to remain neutral because “you still have to work together” implies that you will become hard to work with if they don’t comply with the request. And by the way, that’s also called “bullying.” Zimmer’s request is disingenuous on his part. While Zimmer calls on his colleagues to stay out of this election, which he is facing a runoff in, he also didn’t think it was problematic to endorse in 2015 when he backed Bennett Kayser and hurled some pretty awful stuff at the then-opponent, now board colleague, Dr. Ref Rodriguez.
Cut to 2017 when Zimmer said this in reference to Monica Garcia possibly endorsing Nick Melvoin, “I hope she doesn’t,” Zimmer said, suspecting that the pro-reform García would support his opponent. “I hope she doesn’t endorse. We have to work together, and I would not do that to a colleague.” Excuse me? What does “we have to work together” mean? Is this high school? Yes, you have to work together, but more importantly, you have to represent your constituents and the thousands of students who rely on you to do right by them and not possibly spend your time being petty and vengeful on the dais! Guess what Steve Zimmer? As President of the Board, you are expected and obligated to work with everyone regardless if they select you to be on their team or not! Get real, or get out of politics! I am thinking that it’s time for the latter.