A few months ago, we shared an exciting opportunity that we had been working on at La Comadre, the first cohort of La Comadre Fellows. Through an application process, we sought individuals who demonstrated a desire to serve as a voice for their communities, while highlighting resources for families in order to create awareness around important educational issues that affect our children. As of March, we kicked off the fellowship with twenty-six fellows, who are excited to use their knowledge and experiences to join our movement!
Our vision still remains the same from when we first launched: to create a space where passionate education supporters can learn how to share their voices, experiences and knowledge to educate and inform, often marginalized communities on how to advocate for a quality education. Our fellows have now participated in two trainings, as part of the eight-month program. These trainings have focused on a wide range of communication, social media and writing skills, history of Latino Education, data analysis, as well as leadership development. By the end of the fellowship, we hope all of our La Comadre Fellows will have compiled resources, mentors and ideas that will allow them to be effective education advocates.
Join us in welcoming our fellows to the La Comadre network and in supporting their work — their commitment and dedication will be sure to inspire more of us to share our voices.

We are all in this together with you. We want to be a resource for you and for all of the children you love. Whether you need some info or you have info to share, you know where to go…LA Comadre.

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