Betsy DeVos and the Department of Education are being sued. The state of California has joined with 17 other states and the District of Columbia to sue DeVos on behalf of thousands of students that were duped out of millions of dollars from for profit colleges that have been shut down.
At issue is the delay of financial relief (authorized by the Obama administration) which was slated to be available on July 1st, 2017 to students who were affected by the closure of several for profit colleges such as ITT Tech, Everest College and Westech. Many of the schools were located in the Inland Empire and as a result of the closure of these schools are eligible for relief from the Department of Education. DeVos has not moved to make the relief available and has basically ignored the matter all together.
Democratic Congressional Representative Pete Aguilar of the 30th District in California has attempted to communicate his concerns and has requested that the Department stop dragging its feet to no avail. He recently issued the following statements:
“I’m glad to see state leaders take action on behalf of students across the country who are struggling with crippling student debt, including those in the Inland Empire,” said Aguilar.
“I called on Secretary DeVos to help San Bernardino County students who were taken advantage of and left without a clear path toward getting their degrees, but it’s only been met with silence from this administration. We must do more to improve college affordability in this country and I remain committed to working with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to see that through.”
Aguilar initially tried reaching out to DeVos in April to get information regarding the options available for students left with enormous debt and no pathway to a degree, but he received no response. It is becoming quite clear that this administration will be the most litigious in the history of the United States. We appreciate the efforts of our congressional representatives who attempt to hold the administration accountable and get answers for their community!
*Aguilar has been a strong proponent of reform to hold for-profit colleges accountable. He also co-sponsored the Bank on Students Emergency Loan Refinancing Act and the Protections and Regulations for Our Students (PRO) Act. Aguilar also introduced his own college affordability legislation, the Grace Period Alleviation (GPA) Act, which would extend students’ loan repayment grace periods, eliminate interest payments during grace periods for students with subsidized loans, and allow students to refinance loans under certain circumstances.