Today new LAUSD Board Member Kelly Gonez is introducing a resolution called “Creating Pathways to Lifelong Success for Our Students.”
In the resolution, Gonez is calling for more data to be made available to the public about college readiness. Within 120 days, she would like a trend analysis of these indicators of college readiness for district students:
- GPA 3.0 or above
- Concurrent enrollment completion with a “C” or higher
- AP Course Exams with a score of 3 or higher
- PSAT score greater than 430 in ELA and 480 in math
- SAT scores greater than 1550
- ACT score greater than 18 in ELA, 21 in reading, and 22 in math
- CAASPP in ELA and Math (currently captured in LCAP)
- FAFSA completion (currently captured in LCAP)
Gonez is asking for a current trend analysis using existing data that examines the long-term college and career success of LAUSD graduates over the last 10 years by cohort. Getting this data might be more difficult as it is hard to track student progress once they leave the district and pursue postsecondary opportunities, but it is still data worth collecting so that the district can better assess how to prepare students for college and career training.
Gonez’s resolution also directs staff to submit a report within 120 days that speaks to the feasibility and impact to the District of allowance for a normed College Counselor position for every high school site to support students and a Postsecondary Leadership Team (PLT) at every high school with the common goal of increasing and enhancing college and career awareness and readiness. We, at La Comadre, think that college counselors and leadership teams to increase college and career readiness are no brainers and should absolutely be available at all high schools.
When Gonez was a candidate and spoke to La Comadre this spring, she said, “I want to make sure that no children fall through the cracks and that we provide great opportunities for all children.” Collecting data about the measure for college readiness and the long-term career success of LAUSD students is a step in that direction to make sure that all students have opportunities to pursue college and vocational opportunities once they leave LAUSD.

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