In 1999, a group of Lynwood Alumni came together to coordinate the first ever “Lynwood Alumni College Conference” with the hopes to inspire Lynwood students to follow the pathways to higher education. They intended to demonstrate that regardless of the community they lived in, they were all capable of going to and succeeding in college. Eighteen years later, this annual tradition continues, and the Lynwood Alumni are excited to host the “18th Annual Lynwood Alumni College Conference: “Creating Accessible Pathways” on Saturday, September 16th at Firebaugh High School in Lynwood, California.
Over 40 alumni volunteers will return to Lynwood to host parents and student workshops filled with information related to college, but more importantly, these people will share their testimonies, experiences, and advice about how to navigate life during and after high school. Following the workshops, alumni, decked out in their college gear, will represent their new schools at the college fair and engage students in conversations about college life. While the conference’s objective has shifted from inspiring students to pursue higher education, to providing them with the necessary tools to be equipped for a successful education both during and after high school, one matter has stayed consistent: to serve as a reminder to Lynwood students that that “If we can do it, so can you.”
If you know a high school student that would benefit from this conference, please feel free to go to:
Yvette Torres
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