On September 19th, 2017 a 7.1 earthquake hit Central Mexico, the most affected areas are Puebla, Morelos, and Mexico City. Currently, the majority of donated provisions are being sent to Mexico City, while Puebla and Morelos are being ignored by the media and government. Our goal is to provide aid to the most affected cities of the quake including Jojutla, Morelos and surrounding areas.
Several trusted sources including family and friends have confirmed reports that the provisions are not being distributed to the people in the affected areas. Trucks with goods are being intercepted by federal and local governments and not reaching the women, men and children of the poorest and remote areas hit by the quake. We (UndocuMedia) assure you that our provisions will get to these people!
We (UndocuMedia) are sending a caravan of 18-wheeler trucks full of provisions to the victims of the quake in Puebla and Morelos. They (UndocuMedia) are currently recruiting the support of several NGOs, celebrities, journalists, and other international organizations to guarantee the delivery of the provisions to the affected Mexican citizens. This won’t be enough and thus why we need your financial support to successfully deliver the goods to their final destination.
Your donations will be used to finance the maintenance of the 18-wheeler(s), pay for gas and transportation tariffs, cover any emergencies that might occur along the 3,000+ mile journey, and financially support the drivers.
We (UndocuMedia) appreciate your donation, love, and generosity towards our fellow brothers and sisters in Mexico.
Fund Drive online donations at: bit.ly/SupportMexicoEarthquakeVictims
Food & supplies drop off:
Drop the items at the front office of
Epiphany Catholic Church
10911 E. Michael Hunt Drive, South El Monte, CA 91733
DATE/TIMES: Tuesday, Sept. 26 or Wednesday, Sept. 27 from 10am to 6pm
– Canned Foods, cereal, beans and Rice, sugar and salt – Coffee, cup noodles, bottled water, powdered milk, cookies
HYGIENE PRODUCTS – Toilet paper, shampoo, soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste – Feminine products, diapers, adult diapers, reusable plastic bottles
– Bandaids, cotton balls, rubbing alcohol, oxygenated water – Gauze, surgical masks, painkillers (ibuprofen), diabetes strips
– High blood pressure pump, insulin, eye drops
– Dog and Cat food – Flashlights, batteries, thermal blankets, plastic bags, tupperware – Solar Suitcases
– Water purifiers
– Temporary Housing – Camping gear
– Medical aid items and experts
If you have questions, contact: Justino Mora at: [email protected]
Or call, 1(626) 343-0458
Undocumedia, is an organization created and run by young immigrants of Los Angeles, delivers self-improvement information and tools to thousands of immigrants in the country through digital and social media.

We are all in this together with you. We want to be a resource for you and for all of the children you love. Whether you need some info or you have info to share, you know where to go…LA Comadre.

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