We are hearing reports that Betsy DeVos will step down from her post as Secretary of Education and that her resignation is imminent. We are hoping it is not just a rumor. It has been reported through various news outlets that insiders are readying for her resignation due to her incredibly ineffective and contentious tenure thus far and low morale in the United States Office of Education. Her welcomed resignation will come only after a huge amount of damage that has already been done, some of which cannot be undone. La Comadre is supportive of her decision to resign. We will let you know when it happens. In the meantime, you could offer encouraging words of “hasta la vista Betsy” or “don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out” or TTFN (tata for now) by calling her and letting her know you support her desire to leave.
You can call Secretary DeVos at (202) 401-1576 or send her an email at the link below.
Or Reach her on Twitter by clicking below: