This weekend charter school advocates and parents are showing up in San Diego for the 2018 California Democratic Party Convention to send a message that charter schools are providing high quality education for children regardless of where they live or their circumstances. This is important because the California Democratic Party establishment has traditionally received support from the teachers unions, who have not been supportive of efforts to expand and support charter schools.
Today there will be a march and a rally outside of the San Diego Convention Center, where the party convention is being held, with parents, teachers, students and education reform advocates who are supportive of charter schools. They will be joined by Assemblymember Blanca Rubio (D – Baldwin Park) and school leader Margaret Fortune. The goal is raise awareness about the good work that charter schools are doing in our communities and to let the Democratic leadership know that charter schools can be part of the solution to improve outcomes, graduation rates, and college preparedness.
La Comadre’s own Lisette Duarte said, “There’s a lot of misinformation about charter schools being circulated for the wrong purposes. These are public schools attempting to serve students in need. A one-size fits all approach to education doesn’t work for my kid. What I want, as a parent, is to exercise my right to enroll my child in a great public school.”
Duarte’s child attends eCals charter public high school in Glassell Park.
Charter school advocates are willing to work with Democratic Party leaders to deliver the best education possible for all children in California.

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