In our current political climate, it is critical that education advocates find ways to partner and support initiatives that are meant to protect and serve one of our most vulnerable, and unfortunately targeted, populations: our undocumented students. In efforts to ensure undocumented students have the opportunities to realize their full potential in California higher education and as part of the California Undocumented Higher Education Coalition, the Campaign for College Opportunity is reaching out to advocates to express support for Assembly Bill 1895 and Assembly Bill 2477. Read below for further information provided by the Campaign for College Opportunity:
“Estimates suggest over 75,000 undocumented students are enrolled in California public colleges and universities. Of the 800,000 Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals recipients across the country, 97% are either in school or currently employed; more than one in four of these young people reside in California. Losing, or even underutilizing, these talented students poses a threat for California’s workforce and economy, as the state is already poised to be 1.7 million college educated workers short by 2025. Supporting undocumented students reinforces both California’s economy and its values.
The California Undocumented Higher Education Coalition (CUHEC) is composed of educators, community allies, and students working to strengthen California’s workforce and economy by ensuring college access and success for undocumented youth in the state. CUHEC came together to address the uncertainty surrounding undocumented students’ ability to access, afford, and successfully complete their education at California public colleges and universities. Through our conversations, CUHEC identified legislative priorities for 2018 that include focusing on the unique financial needs of undocumented students and expanding the supports available to undocumented students on campus.
This week, the Assembly Appropriations Committee will vote on whether two of our supported bills move forward to support undocumented students as they persist in their college journeys in such a challenging environment.
Assembly Bill 1895 by Assemblymember Ian Calderon provides more affordable, income-based repayment options for DREAM loans, which are one of the few financial aid opportunities available for undocumented students given their ineligibility for federal student aid. Providing more repayment options to undocumented students relying on DREAM loans will help them address their financial needs and continue their studies.
Assembly Bill 2477, authored by Assemblymember Blanca Rubio, requires California public high schools, colleges, and universities to designate a Dreamer Resource Liaison on campus to help undocumented and Assembly Bill 540 students access any supports and resources available that could help them pursue their education.
Investing in the academic success of undocumented students ensures that all Californians have the access and opportunity to succeed and complete their education, in order to contribute to the state’s economy and pursue their American Dream.”
Sign up here to help undocumented students reach their college dreams and to share your support for AB 1895 & AB 2477.

Alma Renteria

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