La Comadre’s founder, Alma V. Marquez, is being honored today by the National Latina Business Women Association – Los Angeles chapter (NLBWA-LA). She is being recognized for her work as leader and businesswoman and is one of nine finalists for the 2018 inspirational leader of the year. NLBWA-LA is the largest network of Latina professionals in Southern California. The organization supports Latina owned enterprises.
Alma Marquez founded La Comadre to elevate the voices of Latinas who are concerned about issues in the education system. As La Comadre has grown, more organizations and people are recognizing what we, at La Comadre, get to see in action all the time — Alma is a positive force for good. With over two decades of policy and community engagement work that spans education to environmental justice, Alma’s work has had an impact on the local, regional, state, and even national levels.
In April, at Hispanic Lifestyle’s 2018 Women’s Conference, Alma was recognized as the 2018 Latina of Influence. Last year, Alma was awarded Woman of the Year by Women’s Club of Huntington Park, which is the community that she grew up in.
Let’s congratulate Alma for her dedication, effort, and for the formal recognition that she is receiving with NLBWA-LA today.

We are all in this together with you. We want to be a resource for you and for all of the children you love. Whether you need some info or you have info to share, you know where to go…LA Comadre.

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