If you have spent any time at all attending school board meetings anywhere in the Golden State, you know how chaotic and disorganized they can be. This would include LAUSD School Board meetings under any other chair. As one who has had the responsibility of attending various public meetings, I can tell you that Monica Garcia runs a tight, orderly meeting with nearly flawless precision and deliberate thoughtfulness to her board colleagues, staff, and public. This is important when you are trying to get done the business of the second largest public education system in the country.
Monica Garcia has been chosen by her colleagues for a record setting eighth time to lead LAUSD Board of Education. Considering that the board has a lot on its plate including working with new Superintendent, Austin Beutner, and an ambitious #kidsfirst agenda that includes Garcia’s long standing goal of 100% graduation, we think that it is both appropriate and necessary to rely on Garcia’s leadership skills at this pivotal moment in LAUSD history as this board pushes to address some very important reforms in the district.
Congratulations from all of us at La Comadre. We look forward to working with this team to put #kidsfirst!

We are all in this together with you. We want to be a resource for you and for all of the children you love. Whether you need some info or you have info to share, you know where to go…LA Comadre.

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