Last week, a press release from The California Charter Schools Association (CCSA) showed there is a growing parent demand for quality schools across California.
California is already the state with the most charter schools (1,323) and charter school students (660,000) in the country. And the following statistics demonstrate it’s continual growth.
According to CCSA, there was an approximate increase of 30,000 new charter school students in 2018-2019.
- And in 2018 alone, the equivalent of 70 new charter schools opened in California.
- Of the 70 new charter schools, 63 were new startups and replications, and 7 were planned significant expansions of existing schools. An example of an expansion would be expanding from K-5 elementary school to include 6-8th grades.
- These 70 new schools added approximately 12,600 new charter school students to the current number.
Of these newly opened charter schools, Los Angeles received the biggest increase, with 25 new charter schools in the region. And the Bay Area received the second biggest increase with 17 new charter schools in its region.
These rising numbers are something to be proud of. Jed Wallace, president and CEO of CCSA, said, “Even as we see resistance from authorizing districts, we have dedicated charter school leaders and parents who are undeterred in their fight to open a school that puts kids first.”
And that is exactly what we want, we want our kids to come first! We want our kids to have access to quality schools that can offer them a quality education.

We are all in this together with you. We want to be a resource for you and for all of the children you love. Whether you need some info or you have info to share, you know where to go…LA Comadre.

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