Own the Morning: Setting Up Our Children For Success at School Before They Walk Into Class
“Can I just have five more minutes?” This question is asked by countless children all around the world. Frankly, itRead More…
Read More…Education. Our Children. Our Legacy.
“Can I just have five more minutes?” This question is asked by countless children all around the world. Frankly, itRead More…
Read More…When I envisioned my time in the classroom, I never imagined having to sit through a forum with a localRead More…
Read More…I write this blog having just come out of one of the most insightful conversations with a current high schoolRead More…
Read More…As I sit here and take the deepest of breaths, feeling relieved that finals are over and I can focusRead More…
Read More…During the holidays, a lot of parents think that getting a gift for their child’s teacher will benefit them byRead More…
Read More…Among the findings is that LAUSD made a good faith offer to UTLA in September 2018. Among other things inRead More…
Read More…LAUSD filed a “qualified” certification in its First Interim Budget Report on December 11, 2018. A qualified certification means thatRead More…
Read More…You may have seen the viral video of Ohio dad, Matt Cox who made his 10-year old daughter walk 5Read More…
Read More…This last Tuesday, I attended the LAUSD board meeting to hear the School Performance Framework (SPF) presentation that was givenRead More…
Read More…LAUSD Board Member Nick Melvoin has penned the following oped in the LA TImes that everyone needs to read. WeRead More…
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