Alex Beltran decided to run for San Bernardino City Council earlier this year during the June 2018 primary election. The city council has desperately needed the voice of young people, but most importantly women to help lead the city in a better direction post-bankruptcy, a crucial time for the city to redefine its commerce and culture. (If you want to learn more about Alex, read my luchadora profile here).
In the June 2018 primary, her opponents were two men: incumbent Frederic E. Shorett and Jesus Medina. Alex came in second place during the primary election with 1,084 votes. After this election, Alex knew she had to work hard to make sure to speak to as many of the residents of the 4th ward as possible. She made sure to visit the edges and pockets of the 4th ward, where she knew her opponent Frederic would not care to visit.
Official San Bernardino County primary election results (July 2018).
“After Election Day, I felt that my team and I did the best with the resources we had. And the results have shown how effective grassroots campaigning is in our region. I expected the race to be close, the high turnout shows that a lot of people care about the city and voters are starting to engage more in local issues,” said Alex.
Since election day, Alex has closed the gap more and more. She is currently 8 votes behind Frederic E. Shorett and the next update is Tuesday Dec. 4 at 4:00pm. Stay tuned for what seems to be a runoff election and as the certification deadline for election results approaches Dec. 7, 2018.

Rocio Aguayo

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