New Year = New opportunities to build good habits! Have you and your child discussed goal setting for 2019 yet? Even if you have or haven’t, I encourage you to add “Reading 15 minutes a day” to your goals. To make this goal easier to achieve, I invite you to come out and pick out some FREE BOOKS at the Magic of Storytelling Family Festival hosted by First Book, in partnership with Disney this upcoming Saturday. There will be thousands of free, brand new books for kids ages 0-18 available on a first-come, first-serve basis.
First Book is a nonprofit social enterprise that provides new books, educational resources, and other essentials–including coats, snacks, and hygiene kits–to educators serving children in need. Both educators and families are invited to attend. Teachers are especially encouraged to attend the VIP hour, where you are able to select approximately 25 free books for your classroom or targeted program. To participate in this special portion of the event, educators, school staff, and community program staff serving kids in need must have signed up with First Book first. If you have not yet registered, do so here. Families are also encouraged to attend and can choose up to five books for EACH child they bring along. Parents do not need to sign up to get books; simply show up early as this is a first-come first-serve event.
Here is important logistical information:
Saturday, January 12, 2019
8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. — VIP Hour for First Book members
9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. — Family Festival
Lafayette Recreation Center
625 S. Lafayette Park Place
Los Angeles, CA 90057
This event will take place rain or shine!
As a special reminder, please come prepared to wait outdoors to check-in. The book distribution itself will take place inside the recreation center. There will be no reserved parking, and there is limited street parking available, so it is encouraged for people to carpool. Lastly, please bring your own boxes, wagons or whatever you can to take your books back with you, as they may be too heavy to carry on their own.
As an avid reader, this is one of my favorite events of the year. Please spread the word and feel free to use the flyers attached (English version,Spanish Version) to share with your students, colleagues, and families.
La Comadre is excited to see you there!

Alma Renteria

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