Three Ways Michelle Obama’s book, “Becoming”, Can Help You Make the Best of 2019

In sharing her unique experiences, Michelle Obama once again dropped wisdom that everyone (especially women!) can benefit from. After attending her book tour event in Los Angeles, I left both inspired and motivated to spread all that I learned from her, both at the tour event and her book, where she recounts her failures, successes and all that’s in between, that led her to be who she is now. Michelle Obama isn’t simply the former First Lady — she is now an icon in modern womanhood. Her work conveys the importance of embracing our own identities and pursuing our passions. As she emphasized in her tour, it is important for folks to find their flame and do whatever it takes to keep it lit. In efforts to help others do so, here are three ways in which you can make the best of 2019 using Michelle Obama as your inspiration.

1. “For me, becoming isn’t about arriving somewhere or achieving a certain aim. I see it instead as forward motion, a means of evolving, a way to reach continuously toward a better self. The journey doesn’t end.” The beauty behind Michelle Obama’s memoir is how authentic her voice is as she details her journey in becoming and embracing the constant evolution. Often, people see a new year as an opportunity for new goals, but these goals frequently are definitive and don’t allow for constant growth. To truly make the best of 2019, it is important for us to prioritize continued progress without limiting ourselves to “finish lines.” The more open-minded we are about our journeys, the more we attract and welcome new opportunities to knock on our doors. Thus, it is crucial to focus less on the destination and enjoy the journey.

2.  I am an example of what is possible when girls from the very beginning of their lives are loved and nurtured by people around them.” As Michelle Obama shared throughout her memoir, growing up surrounded by extraordinary women allowed her to learn from a young age the power behind quiet strength and dignity. Her confidence did not magically appear. It was developed over time, with the support of all those around her who protected her and created a safety net that allowed her to own her space. Be intentional about nurturing and loving the children in our lives a little more this year. Imagine what kind of future we can help build by believing in our kids now and helping them learn to love and own their voices at a young age so that they too can grow up to become amazing adults. It all starts now.

3.  “When you’ve worked hard, and done well, and walked through that doorway of opportunity, you do not slam it shut behind you. You reach back and you give other folks the same chances that helped you succeed.” As you make 2019 a year to embrace self-evolvement, all while prioritizing nurturing the future generation in order to help lay a strong foundation for them, please do not forget to bring others along with you. In essence, Michelle made it clear that she decided to write the book and hold a book tour as a way of sharing her experiences to motivate others and remind women of their power and strength. It is not enough for her to succeed. She wants us to all have access to the tools necessary to find our own success. We all have people in our lives who may need some additional support or guidance this year. Take the time to open doors for others too. To truly make 2019 a year to remember, it will be necessary for us all to bring extra chairs with us as we continue to own our places in the rooms where it all happens.

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Alma Renteria

Alma-Delia Renteria is a proud product of Lynwood schools. After graduating UC Riverside, with a B.A. in English and a year earlier than anticipated, she decided to commit her “gap year” to City Year. After City Year Los Angeles, Alma went on to purse a teaching career with Teach For America Los Angeles. Upon joining TFA, Alma began her education career as a middle school teacher. It was while teaching that she realized the need to do her part to help serve the community she grew up in and decided to run for office, getting elected to the Lynwood School Board at only 23 years old. Alma completed her first Master’s degree in Urban Education at Loyola Marymount University and a 2nd Masters in Educational Leadership along with her Admin Credential at Concordia University. She was appointed by the Speaker to the Instructional Quality Commission and re-elected to the Lynwood School Board in 2018. She currently serves as the Principal at a local elementary school in Pico Rivera, where she hopes to demonstrate that magic is possible when thee right people are given opportunities to lead.

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