The morning routine can be challenging for some children, and let’s face it — it can challenge us parents too!
I can picture myself shouting, “don’t forget your…!”
You get a call from your child at school, “mom/dad, can you bring me my…?!”
If you’re a parent you’ve been there, or will be!
Add working parents who are trying to get out of the house on time to make it to work, and it can be a morning filled with stress and chaos.
So we live in the world of technology. Almost all of our kids have smartphones. But are we using them to simplify our lives?
I want to share some things that I have implemented in my mommy world.
Using your cell phone camera:
When there is an important event at the school and your child loses the flyer or forgets to tell you until the day of, what do you do?
You have them get into a habit of sending you a picture of the school flyer.
When your child has a special event you want to make sure you get time off work for, ask them to send you a picture.
Morning Routine Visual Checklist:
What do you need in the morning in the order you do it for your morning routine?
Create checklist, place it inside a sheet protector, attached is a dry erase marker. Pin at on the wall or next to your mirror. Then check it off in the order the task is completed.
Setting alarms and reminders:
When my child has something due for a project, I ask them to send me a calendar invite. For example, you know you bus is arriving at 6:20 AM, so you set your alarm for 6:00 AM. This gives you enough time to see if you have everything on your checklist checked off and to grab any additional things you need.
Purchasing items for a project:
You need supplies for a particular project? Send a calendar invite with a list in the notes section and place on calendar with a date by which you need to purchase supplies.
I hope these mommy tips help your child create good habits so that they can plan and be prepared for their assignments.

Lisette Medina Duarte

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