The new poll finds that 81% of Democratic primary voters support expanding public school choice options.
I am not surprised to read a story about how Democrats actually support charter schools and expanded school choice, and by a very large margin. The poll conducted by Benenson Strategy Group confirms that Democratic primary voters support school choice and expanding access to educational choices. 81% of the Democrats polled support charter schools.
But of course, the Democratic presidential candidates are tiptoeing around the issue, and none has really spoken on the matter besides Bernie who gave a scorched earth approach calling for a moratorium on charter schools. Andrew Yang has mentioned that he is “pro good school” whatever that means.
Here’s what I know about the actual Democratic voters of California. They are not bought and paid for by the California Teachers Association (CTA)! That’s how you get those kinds of numbers in a poll about school choice. CTA has created a false narrative that charter schools are evil and must be destroyed. Democrats in elected office are made to sign promises of never supporting school choice to get the endorsement and support of the largest political lobbying group in California. They have to sell their soul to CTA to get elected. Once elected, they are constantly harassed and threatened to stay loyal or else! It’s pretty pathetic.
Too weak and cowardly to stand up for kids and do what is right, the majority of the California legislature is owned by the CTA and will never stand up for kids. There’s no money in it.
I personally know of so many of these so-called leaders who have their own kids in charter or alternative schools but stand in the Assembly or Senate and denounce and tear down these schools because CTA demands it from them. Cowards.
Still waiting for things to change…
Leticia Chavez-Garcia
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