This summer, I remember my principal informing us that we would be incorporating justice standards into our curriculum on our path to becoming an antiracist network of schools. My justice loving heart was, and still is, super stoked about it. I started this week so excited for our Colonial America unit which has been completely reimagined to be taught from the perspectives of Indigenous and African people. FINALLY! We’re teaching the babies the TRUTH about the beginnings of our nation.
Then the Capitol attack happened yesterday. As I think about my kids, mine and my students, I can’t help but think of how being an antiracist teacher isn’t enough. We need to be educator activists. The way we show up in the world is just as important as the way we show up in our classrooms.
I feel such a huge responsibility to be objective when discussing these topics with kids. I’ve read and heard so many people saying “kids are too young for this to be discussed in classrooms” and I wholeheartedly disagree. Kids, particularly those who look like mine, do not have the privilege of being “too young” for topics like the events of today. If you’re uncomfortable with your child hearing about it, I hope you are just as uncomfortable about me having to teach and practice lockdown drills with them in their classroom.
I also just want to note that I am truly grateful for my school network for acknowledging that this act of terror is overwhelming and….we’re tired. Thank you for giving us the day tomorrow to process our feelings and providing ourselves and school families the resources needed to unpack this event so that we can continue to show up as our best selves for our students.
To my babies, I got y’all. Always.

Alexandrea Martinez

Latest posts by Alexandrea Martinez (see all)
- El Miedo de ser “Demasiado Político” - June 17, 2021
- The Fear of Being “Too Political” - June 9, 2021
- Mis Estudiantes Preguntarán Sobre el Ataque al Capitolio: Estoy Lista Para Escucharlos y Hablar con Ellos - January 8, 2021
- My Students Will Ask About the Attack on the Capitol: I Am Ready to Listen and Talk to Them - January 7, 2021
- Mamá y Maestra Durante COVID-19 Comparte su Experiencia y Consejos para Padres - May 19, 2020