There was a phrase that recently stuck with us at the La Comadre Network said by Gary Hardie Jr. on one of our podcasts, ‘Don’t do it for the Gram, do it for the outcomes.’ He attributed this quote to the youth in his community, and in a world of social media, it definitely hit home. How often do we see people doing things on social media strictly for the likes, and with zero intention behind it? Whether it’s working out, traveling (well, maybe not so much in Covid), or cooking/eating fancy food on the ‘Gram — how often is something just for show, and without much substance behind it?
Honestly, education is not that different. We often can see people posting and profiling on what they or their school are doing, but they aren’t exactly walking the walk or talking the talk. At the end of the day, all parents care about is whether or not their school is getting the best outcomes and what resources are allocated. If in your community you see some schools having amazing outcomes, and other schools not so much, you really don’t care if there was an amazing bake sale or great public speaker.
At the La Comadre Network, we are committed to ensuring schools have actual amazing outcomes for all of their students as opposed to just amazing social media and PR outreach. We’d love to ask in the comments — how do you see your school balancing outreach with actual outcomes for students? And if this topic interests you, please follow our conversations at the link below!
Spotlight on Education Champions featuring Gary Hardie Jr. of Lynwood Unified

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