We need to have this conversation. I’m hearing so many reports from so many parents and constituents at Alum Rock about the apparent board member from hell, trustee Andres Quintero. And I don’t just go by what I hear, I like to do research and figure out what exactly is going on. I’ve reviewed some very disturbing footage from a recent board meeting, FPPC filings, and news articles and have concluded that we have a problem.
Even though I am in Southern California, I belong to a huge network of Comadres, women, grandmothers, tías, and ninas across the state of California. And believe me, we talk to each other and share important information that affects our community. And know this – when a Comadre is threatened in Northern California, we are always going to have their back.
Andres Quintero needs to be exposed for the corrupt, toxic politician that he is. Do not let this guy fool you. He couldn’t care less about your kids. In fact, he cares so little about being on the school board that he’s planning a run for city council. I guess leaving the schools in a deficit of $4 million is not enough! He now wants to infiltrate the city and see how much damage he can do there.
People need to know how tone-deaf he is to the parents in his district. Witnesses have seen him verbally attacking parents for speaking out about the lack of education their kids are receiving. It’s my understanding he has even followed parents to their homes to verbally accost them, and attempted to intimidate them into standing down. None of this is acceptable! You should expect and require more of your elected officials. This is why parents must band together and fight to have him removed from that seat.
Attacking everyone is what he does best, he even went as far as to condemn a well-known and loved city council member simply for being supportive of public school students in Alum Rock. This guy seriously needs to go and never be reelected to any position again!
Andres Quintero is the epitome of a toxic politician. It surprises me that he’s still supported by the unions. Why do they condone this behavior? He has no loyalty to anyone. Though he has been supported by unions in his elections, he completely turns his back on them. So explain it to me. Please.
Ladies and gentlemen of Alum Rock, Andres Quintero should resign immediately over his abuse and bullying of parents in the district. But he won’t because of his narcissistic nature. Though the district could be held liable for his actions, it does not appear there is the political will to even censure him. So again, does the board also condone his behavior and actions? The lack of accountability tells me that they do.
I’m including the following link so you can see for yourself that Mr. Quintero does not deserve to represent the students of Alum Rock!
Andres Quintero Under Investigation…Again for violating campaign finance laws!
Campaign Contribution Information
Please reply in the comments if you’ve personally witnessed any of these bullying tactics. More coming soon…
Leticia Chavez-Garcia
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