My two children have attended Rocketship Fuerza Community Prep since it opened. I still remember the meetings when we voted on the name of the school. There were several very good names like “Blue Sky ” but the idea of strength won over the parents who wanted to have strength in the education of their children. It was very awesome to see many parents in all the meetings to make it possible to have a school where parents would be listened to and taken into account. My daughter Karla was very successful during her years at Fuerza. She scored 99% in the measure of academic progress tests. I like that students are given medals and diplomas recognizing their learning to motivate them. She attended Fuerza from kindergarten through 4th grade.
Rocketship Fuerza has gone through 3 important leaders; Maricela Guerrero, Juan Mateos, and now Brianna Neveras. I thank them, and each one of the teachers who have been part of my family during these seven years. I have been involved in my children’s education and school since their first day, and although at the start I did not understand everything, it was important for me to be present and involved. I wanted to learn how to support them.
I have been reading in the Los Dichos program, have been nominated for SSC (School Site Council board members) for several years, and participate in school meetings and events. It’s very important to be involved in our children’s education to help them develop their potential. I always say the winning formula is a combination of parent + teacher = successful student.
Today, I am happy and proud with so much that I have learned and how I have helped my children during these years of their elementary school education.
My daughter is now in the 6th grade and attends Kipp Heartwood.
We continue to do homework together and I attend school meetings.
My son Christian continues to grow in 3rd grade at Rocketship Fuerza and is thriving just as his sister did. Christian has learned a lot and has been lucky to have teachers with a lot of patience and love. He also looks forward to going to Kipp Heartwood in the 5th grade. I chose Kipp for them on the recommendation of parents and teachers at Rocketship. I have felt supported by the schools at all times.

Cynthia Colmenares Ramirez

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