What motivated me to start Lola’s Cleaning was being able to set my own work hours, around taking care of my kids and being involved in their school life. I wanted to have time for it all and be my own boss while I was at it.
I never thought that one day I would own my own business, especially in this country, but I think it runs in my blood. My mom was a business woman in Mexico and my sister is too. I started my business 12 years ago and I can’t say it was always easy. I dedicated a lot of time and energy to making it happen. However, through patience and perseverance, everything fell into place on its own.
I started my business by cleaning one house and I was good at my job, which is why I got recommended to other clients. Business started to grow and then I met an administrator at the Rocketship school my kids attended. She gave me the opportunity for an even bigger job and, now I can say, being involved in my children’s school life opened doors for me too. I was first contracted to clean my children’s school Rocketship Spark and then later when Rocketship Rising Star opened, they contracted me as well. I’m proud to say I was able to give opportunities to other women and mothers because now my company has six employees. These are women, like myself, who want a career where they’ll have time for their children.
Latinas are changing the game because we are succeeding through creating our own businesses. We are contributing to this country not only through paying taxes but also by creating jobs for other women who want flexibility and empathy in the workplace. There are requirements to starting your own business, like getting permits, trademarking your company’s name, and paying taxes, but it’s all worth it.
Through being a mother and leader in my community, I love that I’ve had the opportunity to motivate others. I would tell people who want to start their own business that they can do anything they set their mind to. At first, it takes a lot of time and dedication, but there are so many positives, like being your own boss and having time to enjoy your children and family.
Maria Serratos
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