On Tuesday, December 7, 2021, the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) fired nearly 500 unvaccinated employees. Employees who were fired had until November 15th to get their first and second vaccination shots, but failed to comply with the district’s mandate.
What exactly are the ramifications for firing 496 employees? How will your children be affected? Granted, in the grand scheme of things, it’s not that large of a number for a school district as big as LAUSD. Nevertheless, it is alarming. The district has stated that 99% of their employees have complied with getting vaccinated and they’re hopeful that the 496 employees who were dismissed will get vaccinated and return to work soon.
Of course, as expected, the district is now facing lawsuits over the vaccine mandate and the firing of noncompliant employees.
Comadres, what do you think? Do you think that school employees, like students, should be required to get vaccinated? And what should happen if employees don’t comply? Should this type of mass firing be allowed?