It’s no secret that we are living in a health crisis. Demand for mental health and wellness professionals is at an all-time high and the supply of these resources is low. So as it becomes increasingly difficult for individuals, students, and families to gain access to wellness professionals, where should they turn? Studies have found that there are up to 20,000 wellness-related apps that exist today. These apps are truly filling a much-needed gap and with so many apps that exist, there has to be something for all of us!
The following 5 apps are some of our favorites. They target stress and wellness by supporting our mental health and getting our bodies moving. Most are free with the exception of Bloom, however, it is a very small price to pay for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.
Bloom: CBT Therapy
Bloom is an app designed to replace the need for a therapist. It’s based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, or CBT. Bloom helps you learn to manage mental illnesses like depression, anxiety, and PTSD. It’s not free, you need a subscription, but you can try it out using a free trial.
Fiton: Fitness App
Workouts and personalized fitness plans that are 100% free with never anything to pay. Yes, it is actually free, there is no catch.
Fastic: Intermittent fasting
Healthy fasting for everyone. The app puts intermittent fasting at the heart of holistic health. Start Your JourneySay Hello to Better Health.
Libby: Online library
Thousands of ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, and more – hand-selected by your public library – are available for free. From NYT best-sellers to classics, you’re sure to find something great to read!
All Trails Hike, Bike, & Run
AllTrails is a fitness and travel app used in outdoor activities. AllTrails is commonly used for outdoor activities such as hiking, mountain biking, and running.
Comadre, do you use any mental or physical health apps? What are some of your favorite wellness apps?

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