In a recent article republished on Yahoo News LAUSD parents and caregivers sounded off about the district’s recent agreement to make wearing masks indoors optional for students and staff. The views were split, with each side having valid points:
“Rosemary Miranda was excited to send her first-grade daughter Isabella to school knowing she will be able to remove her mask after the Los Angeles Unified School District lifted its mask requirement late last month. ‘From my perspective with children with disabilities, it’s better because… due to sensory issues they can’t keep it on all the time,’ said Miranda, explaining that Isabella’s attention deficit hyperactivity disorder makes the mask uncomfortable and distracting to wear for hours.”
It’s hard not to empathize with parents of students with needs. We’ve also heard from teachers, especially in English and language departments, that it’s easier to teach certain subjects, such as pronunciation, sans masks. However, there’s definitely another side worth considering:
“Grandmothers Marina and Estella, who asked their last names not be used, said they feel more confident in sending them to school wearing their masks. ‘It’s much safer for the kids to keep their masks on,’ said Marina, as she picked up her grandchildren at Eastman Avenue Elementary School. ‘Sometimes a lot of parents will know their kids are sick and send them to school like that without thinking about everyone else.”
With many students in LAUSD living in intergenerational households, the possible spread of COVID-19 and its variants has the potential to be devastating – and fatal. This is one of those situations where there’s no easy answer. How are you handling sending your child back to school? Are they wearing a mask?

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